Affordable tax filing for students with an average refund over $1,500**.
You can be certain students file for less. With the right price for your budget, find out how easy it can be to file while keeping money where it belongs at tax time – in your pocket.

Want more money in your pocket?
The average student refund is over $1,500**. Plus, students file for less with H&R Block.*
Our trained Tax Experts make sure you get every student specific credit and deduction you deserve to help maximize your refund.♦

We can help you maximize your refund.
We’re here for one simple reason: to get you back every cent that you’re owed.
Claim your tuition properly.
Track down your T2202 form, outlining your tuition fees. It helps calculate your tuition and education amounts properly, and you can’t claim those without it.
Transfer unused tuition and education credits.
If you don’t use your full credit amount this year, you can transfer a portion to a parent or life-partner, or carry it forward to claim in the future.
Moving expenses.
If you moved over 40km to attend school or get a summer job, ask us how to expense transportation, storage, travel, and temporary living costs you may be entitled to.